yall. Hipster Runoff just brought up an issue I think about a lot. I remember when I was 11 years old in the 'computer lab' at school we had just got these new 'iMacs'
we didn't have high-speed internet! we were probably still playing Oregon trail! now kids are growing up in an era of instant information and interaction in a way that puts them in a dominant position in the future against the generation before (me).
I guess this is the way its always been, but it still scares me - conversely, are the tweens of today going to be all screwed up psychologically/socially in the future due to an over-emphasis on a false internet reality? s0000 many questions..
anyway, read the post, it's pretty funnie/deep.
were already seriously affected by socializing online. perceptions of who is 'cool' has only been further glamorized and idealized by the internet. classmates are now celebrities, and self esteem dives lower and lower with each click of the 'next' button as you lurk through glorified party pix of that party you were never invited to.
i cant imagine what people will be like in 20 years. I hope people are smart enough to see the self destruction and do something about it.
what's the point of 10 year reunions? the internet has fucked around with so many social formalities.
ugh, i could go on forever.
yeah man, even I played Oregon Trail.
And Number Munchers.
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